
Tom McDonald

A former U.S. Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Tom provides strategic government relations counsel to clients. He regularly advises corporate CEOs and chief legal officers on a variety of government relations issues in Washington, internationally, and in major U.S. state capitals.

Tom is a registered lobbyist before the U.S. Senate and House and has an active federal agency and Capitol Hill practice. He is also a registered lobbyist in several states including New York and California. Tom’s lobbying experience includes financial services, insurance products, U.S. departments of labor and state, environmental, tax, health care, and foreign affairs.

Tom’s career experience has provided him with a strong understanding of legal, political, and economic issues of Africa, Asia (including South Asia), the Middle East, Latin America, Cuba, and Eastern Europe.

Lobbying Experience

  • Registered federal lobbyist with Congress since 1985.
  • Drafting bills, proposing amendments, and working with Bill drafters, resulting in a number of legislative successes, including Dodd-Frank Amendments.
  • Stopping numerous bills in various states that would have negatively impacted companies, such as a Proposition 65 issue in California and various state chemical laws and regulations.
  • Helping promote legislation at the state level by working with a coalition of paint companies and the trial bar to effectuate a mutually acceptable resolution.

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